pyunity.meshes module

Module for meshes created at runtime.

class pyunity.meshes.Mesh(verts, triangles, normals, texcoords=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to create a mesh for rendering with a MeshRenderer

  • verts (list) – List of Vector3’s containing each vertex
  • triangles (list) – List of ints containing triangles joining up the vertices. Each int is the index of a vertex above.
  • normals (list) – List of Vector3’s containing the normal of each vertex.

List of Vector3’s containing each vertex


List of lists containing triangles joining up the vertices. Each int is the index of a vertex above. The list is two-dimesional, meaning that each item in the list is a list of three ints.


List of Vector3’s containing the normal of each vertex.


List of lists containing the texture coordinate of each vertex. The list is two-dimesional, meaning that each item in the list is a list of two floats.

Type:list (optional)


When any of the mesh attributes are updated while a scene is running, you must use compile(force=True) to update the mesh so that it is displayed correctly.

>>> mesh = Mesh.cube(2)
>>> mesh.vertices[1] = Vector3(2, 0, 0)
>>> mesh.compile(force=True)

Create a copy of the current Mesh.

Returns:Copy of the mesh
Return type:Mesh
static quad(size)[source]

Creates a quadrilateral mesh.

Parameters:size (float) – Side length of quad
Returns:A quad centered at Vector3(0, 0) with side length of size facing in the direction of the negative z axis.
Return type:Mesh
static double_quad(size)[source]

Creates a two-sided quadrilateral mesh.

Parameters:size (float) – Side length of quad
Returns:A double-sided quad centered at Vector3(0, 0) with side length of size.
Return type:Mesh
static cube(size)[source]

Creates a cube mesh.

Parameters:size (float) – Side length of cube
Returns:A cube centered at Vector3(0, 0, 0) that has a side length of size
Return type:Mesh