Source code for pyunity.input

## Copyright (c) 2020-2022 The PyUnity Team
## This file is licensed under the MIT License.
## See

__all__ = ["KeyState", "KeyCode", "MouseCode", "Input", "KeyboardAxis"]

import os
from enum import IntEnum, auto
from .values import Mathf, ImmutableStruct
from .errors import PyUnityException
from .scenes import SceneManager
from .values import Vector3

[docs]class KeyState(IntEnum): UP = auto() DOWN = auto() PRESS = auto() NONE = auto()
[docs]class KeyCode(IntEnum): A = auto() B = auto() C = auto() D = auto() E = auto() F = auto() G = auto() H = auto() I = auto() J = auto() K = auto() L = auto() M = auto() N = auto() O = auto() P = auto() Q = auto() R = auto() S = auto() T = auto() U = auto() V = auto() W = auto() X = auto() Y = auto() Z = auto() Space = auto() Alpha0 = auto() Alpha1 = auto() Alpha2 = auto() Alpha3 = auto() Alpha4 = auto() Alpha5 = auto() Alpha6 = auto() Alpha7 = auto() Alpha8 = auto() Alpha9 = auto() F1 = auto() F2 = auto() F3 = auto() F4 = auto() F5 = auto() F6 = auto() F7 = auto() F8 = auto() F9 = auto() F10 = auto() F11 = auto() F12 = auto() Keypad0 = auto() Keypad1 = auto() Keypad2 = auto() Keypad3 = auto() Keypad4 = auto() Keypad5 = auto() Keypad6 = auto() Keypad7 = auto() Keypad8 = auto() Keypad9 = auto() Up = auto() Down = auto() Left = auto() Right = auto()
[docs]class MouseCode(IntEnum): Left = auto() Middle = auto() Right = auto()
[docs]class KeyboardAxis: def __init__(self, name, speed, positive, negative): self.positive = positive self.negative = negative self.value = 0 self.raw = 0 = name self.speed = speed
[docs] def getValue(self, dt): change = sum([Input.GetKey(key) for key in self.positive]) - \ sum([Input.GetKey(key) for key in self.negative]) self.raw = change if change == 0: if self.value != 0: change = -abs(self.value) / self.value if abs(dt) > abs(self.value): self.value = 0 return 0 else: return 0 self.value += Mathf.Clamp(change, -1, 1) * dt * self.speed self.value = Mathf.Clamp(self.value, -1, 1) return self.value
[docs]class Input(metaclass=ImmutableStruct): _names = ["mousePosition"]
[docs] @classmethod def GetKey(cls, keycode): """ Check if key is pressed at moment of function call Parameters ---------- keycode : KeyCode Key to query Returns ------- boolean If the key is pressed """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getKey(keycode, KeyState.PRESS)
[docs] @classmethod def GetKeyUp(cls, keycode): """ Check if key was released this frame. Parameters ---------- keycode : KeyCode Key to query Returns ------- boolean If the key was released """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getKey(keycode, KeyState.UP)
[docs] @classmethod def GetKeyDown(cls, keycode): """ Check if key was pressed down this frame. Parameters ---------- keycode : KeyCode Key to query Returns ------- boolean If the key was pressed down """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getKey(keycode, KeyState.DOWN)
[docs] @classmethod def GetKeyState(cls, keycode, keystate): """ Check key state at moment of function call Parameters ---------- keycode : KeyCode Key to query keystate : KeyState Keystate, either KeyState.PRESS, KeyState.UP or KeyState.DOWN Returns ------- boolean If the key state matches """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getKey(keycode, keystate)
[docs] @classmethod def GetMouse(cls, mousecode): """ Check if mouse button is pressed at moment of function call Parameters ---------- mousecode : MouseCode Mouse button to query Returns ------- boolean If the mouse button is pressed """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getMouse(mousecode, KeyState.PRESS)
[docs] @classmethod def GetMouseUp(cls, mousecode): """ Check if mouse button was released this frame. Parameters ---------- mousecode : MouseCode Mouse button to query Returns ------- boolean If the mouse button was released """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getMouse(mousecode, KeyState.UP)
[docs] @classmethod def GetMouseDown(cls, mousecode): """ Check if mouse button was pressed down this frame. Parameters ---------- mousecode : MouseCode Mouse button to query Returns ------- boolean If the mouse button was pressed down """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getMouse(mousecode, KeyState.DOWN)
[docs] @classmethod def GetMouseState(cls, mousecode, mousestate): """ Check for mouse button state at moment of function call Parameters ---------- mousecode : MouseCode Key to query mousestate : KeyState Keystate, either KeyState.PRESS, KeyState.UP or KeyState.DOWN Returns ------- boolean If the mouse button state matches """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return False return SceneManager.runner.window.getMouse(mousecode, mousestate)
_axes = {"MouseX": 0, "MouseY": 0, "Horizontal": 0, "Vertical": 0} _axisObjects = { "Horizontal": KeyboardAxis( "Horizontal", 3, [KeyCode.D, KeyCode.Right], [KeyCode.A, KeyCode.Left] ), "Vertical": KeyboardAxis( "Vertical", 3, [KeyCode.W, KeyCode.Up], [KeyCode.S, KeyCode.Down] ), }
[docs] @classmethod def GetAxis(cls, axis): """ Get the value for the specified axis. This is always between -1 and 1. Parameters ---------- axis : str Specified axis Returns ------- float Axis value Raises ------ PyUnityException If the axis is not a valid axis """ if axis not in cls._axes: raise PyUnityException(f"Invalid axis: {axis!r}") if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return 0 return cls._axes[axis]
[docs] @classmethod def GetRawAxis(cls, axis): """ Get the raw value for the specified axis. This is always either -1, 0 or 1. Parameters ---------- axis : str Specified axis Returns ------- float Raw axis value Raises ------ PyUnityException If the axis is not a valid axis """ if axis not in cls._axisObjects: raise PyUnityException(f"Invalid axis: {axis!r}") if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] != "1": return 0 return cls._axisObjects[axis].raw
mousePosition = None _mouseLast = None
[docs] @classmethod def UpdateAxes(cls, dt): cls._set("mousePosition", Vector3( *SceneManager.runner.window.getMousePos(), 0)) new = cls.mousePosition if cls._mouseLast is None: diff = new else: diff = new - cls._mouseLast cls._mouseLast = new cls._axes["MouseX"] = diff.x cls._axes["MouseY"] = diff.y for axis in cls._axisObjects.values(): cls._axes[] = axis.getValue(dt)