pyunity.script module

Module to manage loading scripts from files.

class pyunity.script.Behaviour[source]

Bases: pyunity.core.Component

Base class for behaviours that can be scripted.


GameObject that the component belongs to.


Transform that the component belongs to.


Calls AddComponent on the component’s GameObject.

Parameters:component (Component) – Component to add. Must inherit from Component

Calls GetComponent on the component’s GameObject.

Parameters:componentClass (Component) – Component to get. Must inherit from Component

Called every time a scene is loaded up.


Called every frame.

Parameters:dt (float) – Time since last frame, sent by the scene that the Behaviour is in.

Check if text is a valid script for PyUnity.

Parameters:text (list) – List of lines
Returns:If script is valid or not.
Return type:bool


This function checks each line to see if it matches at least one of these criteria:

  1. The line is an import statement
  2. The line is just whitespace or blank
  3. The line is just a comment preceded by whitespace or nothing
  4. The line is a class definition
  5. The line has an indentation at the beginning

These checks are essential to ensure no malicious code is run to break the PyUnity engine.


Loads all scripts found in path.

Parameters:path (Pathlike) – A path to a folder containing all the scripts
Returns:A module that contains all the imported scripts
Return type:ModuleType


This function will add a module to sys.modules that is called PyUnityScripts, and can be imported like any other module. The module will also have a variable called __pyunity__ which shows that it is from PyUnity and not a real module. If an existing module named PyUnityScripts is present and does not have the __pyunity__ variable set, then a warning will be issued and it will be replaced.