Source code for pyunity.script

Module to manage loading scripts from files.


from .core import Component
from . import Logger
from types import ModuleType
import glob
import os
import sys

[docs]class Behaviour(Component): """ Base class for behaviours that can be scripted. Attributes ---------- gameObject : GameObject GameObject that the component belongs to. transform : Transform Transform that the component belongs to. """
[docs] def Start(self): """ Called every time a scene is loaded up. """ pass
[docs] def Update(self, dt): """ Called every frame. Parameters ---------- dt : float Time since last frame, sent by the scene that the Behaviour is in. """ pass
[docs]def CheckScript(text): """ Check if ``text`` is a valid script for PyUnity. Parameters ---------- text : list List of lines Returns ------- bool If script is valid or not. Notes ----- This function checks each line to see if it matches at least one of these criteria: 1. The line is an ``import`` statement #. The line is just whitespace or blank #. The line is just a comment preceded by whitespace or nothing #. The line is a class definition #. The line has an indentation at the beginning These checks are essential to ensure no malicious code is run to break the PyUnity engine. """ for line in text: if line.startswith("import") or \ (line.startswith("from") and " import " in line): continue elif line.isspace() or line == "": continue elif "#" in line: if line.split("#")[0].isspace(): continue elif line.startswith("class "): continue elif line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("\t"): continue return False return True
[docs]def LoadScripts(path): """ Loads all scripts found in ``path``. Parameters ---------- path : Pathlike A path to a folder containing all the scripts Returns ------- ModuleType A module that contains all the imported scripts Notes ----- This function will add a module to ``sys.modules`` that is called ``PyUnityScripts``, and can be imported like any other module. The module will also have a variable called ``__pyunity__`` which shows that it is from PyUnity and not a real module. If an existing module named ``PyUnityScripts`` is present and does not have the ``__pyunity__`` variable set, then a warning will be issued and it will be replaced. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.py")) a = {} if "PyUnityScripts" in sys.modules and hasattr(sys.modules["PyUnityScripts"], "__pyunity__"): module = sys.modules["PyUnityScripts"] else: if "PyUnityScripts" in sys.modules: Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "PyUnityScripts is already a package!") module = ModuleType("PyUnityScripts", None) module.__pyunity__ = True module.__all__ = [] sys.modules["PyUnityScripts"] = module for file in files: with open(file) as f: text = name = os.path.basename(file[:-3]) if CheckScript(text): exec("\n".join(text), a) setattr(module, name, a[name]) module.__all__.append(name) return module