Source code for

__all__ = ["ABCMessage", "ABCException", "ABCMeta",
           "abstractmethod", "abstractproperty"]

import inspect

[docs]class ABCException(Exception): pass
[docs]class ABCMessage(ABCException): pass
[docs]class abstractmethod: def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.args = self.getargs(func) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, abstractmethod): return self.args == other.args else: return self.args == self.getargs(other) def __get__(self, instance, owner): return self.func
[docs] @staticmethod def getargs(func): signature = inspect.signature(func) return [(, param.kind) for param in signature.parameters.values()]
[docs]class abstractproperty(abstractmethod): def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, property): return self.func.__name__ == other.fget.__name__ return False
[docs]class ABCMeta(type): _trigger = True def __init__(cls, fullname, bases, attrs, message=None): super().__init__(fullname, bases, attrs) supercls = cls.__bases__[0] if supercls is not object: methods = {attr: v for attr, v in supercls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, abstractmethod)} for method in methods: if cls._trigger and method not in attrs: try: raise ABCException("Method has not been defined: " + repr(methods[method].func)) except ABCException: if message is not None: raise ABCMessage(message) raise if cls._trigger and methods[method] != attrs[method]: try: raise ABCException("Function signature is not the same: " + repr(methods[method].func) + " and " + repr(attrs[method])) except ABCException: if message is not None: raise ABCMessage(message) raise def __new__(cls, fullname, bases, attrs, message=None): return super().__new__(cls, fullname, bases, attrs)