Source code for pyunity.gui

__all__ = ["Canvas", "RectData", "RectAnchors",
           "RectOffset", "RectTransform", "Image2D", "Gui",
           "Text", "FontLoader", "GuiComponent",
           "NoResponseGuiComponent", "CheckBox",
           "TextAlign", "Font", "Button"]

from .errors import PyUnityException
from .values import Vector2, Color, RGB
from .core import Component, SingleComponent, GameObject, ShowInInspector
from .files import Texture2D
from .input import Input, MouseCode, KeyState
from .values import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from types import FunctionType
import os
import sys
import enum

[docs]class Canvas(Component): """ A Component that manages GUI interactions and 2D rendering. Only GameObjects which are a descendant of a Canvas will be rendered. """
[docs] def Update(self, updated): """ Check if any components have been clicked on. Parameters ---------- updated : list List of already updated GameObjects. """ for descendant in self.transform.GetDescendants(): if descendant in updated: continue updated.append(descendant) comp = descendant.GetComponent(GuiComponent) if comp is not None: rectTransform = descendant.GetComponent(RectTransform) rect = rectTransform.GetRect() + rectTransform.offset pos = Vector2(Input.mousePosition) if rect.min < pos < rect.max: comp.HoverUpdate()
[docs]class RectData: """ Class to represent a 2D rect. Parameters ---------- min_or_both : Vector2 or RectData Minimum value, or another RectData object max : Vector2 or None Maximum value. Default is None """ def __init__(self, min_or_both=None, max=None): if min_or_both is None: self.min = self.max = elif max is None: if isinstance(min_or_both, RectData): self.min = min_or_both.min.copy() self.max = min_or_both.max.copy() else: self.min = min_or_both.copy() self.min = min_or_both.copy() else: self.min = min_or_both.copy() self.max = max.copy() def __repr__(self): """String representation of the RectData""" return "<{} min={} max={}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.min, self.max) def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, RectData): return RectData(self.min + other.min, self.max + other.max) else: return RectData(self.min + other, self.max + other) def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, RectData): return RectData(self.min - other.min, self.max - other.max) else: return RectData(self.min - other, self.max - other) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, RectData): return RectData(self.min * other.min, self.max * other.max) else: return RectData(self.min * other, self.max * other)
[docs]class RectAnchors(RectData): """ A type of RectData which represents the anchor points of a RectTransform. """
[docs] def SetPoint(self, p): """ Changes both the minimum and maximum anchor points. Parameters ---------- p : Vector2 Point """ self.min = p.copy() self.max = p.copy()
[docs] def RelativeTo(self, other): """ Get RectData of another Rect relative to the anchor points. Parameters ---------- other : RectData Querying rect Returns ------- RectData Relative rect to this """ parentSize = other.max - other.min absAnchorMin = other.min + (self.min * parentSize) absAnchorMax = other.min + (self.max * parentSize) return RectData(absAnchorMin, absAnchorMax)
[docs]class RectOffset(RectData): """ Rect to represent the offset from the anchor points of a RectTransform. """
[docs] @staticmethod def Rectangle(size, """ Create a rectangular RectOffset. Parameters ---------- size : float or Vector2 Size of offset center : Vector2, optional Central point of RectOffset, by default Returns ------- RectOffset The generated RectOffset """ return RectOffset(center - size / 2, center + size / 2)
[docs] def Move(self, pos): """ Move the RectOffset by a specified amount. Parameters ---------- pos : Vector2 """ self.min += pos self.max += pos
[docs] def SetCenter(self, pos): """ Sets the center of the RectOffset. The size is preserved. Parameters ---------- pos : Vector2 Center point of the RectOffset """ size = self.max - self.min self.min = pos - size / 2 self.max = pos + size / 2
[docs] def SetPoint(self, pos): self.min = pos.copy() self.max = pos.copy()
[docs]class RectTransform(SingleComponent): """ A Component that represents the size, position and orientation of a 2D object. Attributes ---------- anchors : RectAnchors Anchor points of the RectTransform. Measured between Vector2(0, 0) and Vector2(1, 1) offset : RectOffset Offset vectors representing the offset of opposite corners from the anchors. Measured in pixels pivot : Vector2 Point in which the object rotates around. Measured between Vector2(0, 0) and Vector2(1, 1) rotation : float Rotation in degrees """ anchors = ShowInInspector(RectAnchors) offset = ShowInInspector(RectOffset) pivot = ShowInInspector(Vector2) rotation = ShowInInspector(float, 0) def __init__(self, transform): super(RectTransform, self).__init__(transform) self.anchors = RectAnchors() self.offset = RectOffset() self.pivot = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) @property def parent(self): if self.transform.parent is not None: return self.transform.parent.GetComponent(RectTransform)
[docs] def GetRect(self): """ Gets screen coordinates of the bounding box. Returns ------- RectData Screen coordinates """ from .render import Screen if self.parent is None: return self.anchors * Screen.size else: parentRect = self.parent.GetRect() + self.parent.offset rect = self.anchors.RelativeTo(parentRect) return rect
[docs]class GuiComponent(Component, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ A Component that represents a clickable area. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def HoverUpdate(self): pass
[docs]class NoResponseGuiComponent(GuiComponent): """ A Component that blocks all clicks that are behind it. """
[docs] def HoverUpdate(self): """ Empty HoverUpdate function. This is to ensure nothing happens when the component is clicked, and so components behind won't be updated. """ pass
[docs]class Image2D(NoResponseGuiComponent): """ A 2D image component, which is uninteractive. Attributes ---------- texture : Texture2D Texture to render depth : float Z ordering of image. Higher depths are drawn on top. """ texture = ShowInInspector(Texture2D) depth = ShowInInspector(float, 0.0) def __init__(self, transform): super(Image2D, self).__init__(transform) self.rectTransform = self.GetComponent(RectTransform)
[docs]class Button(GuiComponent): """ A Component that calls a function when clicked. Attributes ---------- callback : FunctionType Callback function state : KeyState Which state triggers the callback mouseButton : MouseCode Which mouse button triggers the callback pressed : bool If the button is pressed down or not """ callback = ShowInInspector(FunctionType) state = ShowInInspector(KeyState, KeyState.UP) mouseButton = ShowInInspector(MouseCode, MouseCode.Left) pressed = ShowInInspector(bool, False) def __init__(self, transform): super(Button, self).__init__(transform) self.callback = lambda: None
[docs] def HoverUpdate(self): if Input.GetMouseState(self.mouseButton, self.state): self.callback()
textureDir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname(__file__)), "shaders", "gui", "textures") buttonDefault = Texture2D(os.path.join(textureDir, "button.png")) checkboxDefaults = [ Texture2D(os.path.join(textureDir, "checkboxOff.png")), Texture2D(os.path.join(textureDir, "checkboxOn.png")) ] class _FontLoader: """ Base font loader. Uses ImageFont. """ fonts = {} @classmethod def LoadFont(cls, name, size): """ Loads and returns a Font object. This will internally call FontLoader.LoadFile, which will fail if the default FontLoader is :class:`_FontLoader`. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of font. This should be either in the Windows registry, or can be found using fc-match. size : int Size, in points, of the font. Returns ------- Font Generated Font object, or None if ``PYUNITY_TESTING`` is set. """ if os.getenv("PYUNITY_TESTING") is not None: return None if name in cls.fonts: if size in cls.fonts[name]: return cls.fonts[name][size] else: cls.fonts[name] = {} file = cls.LoadFile(name) font = ImageFont.truetype(file, size) fontobj = Font(name, size, font) cls.fonts[name][size] = fontobj return fontobj @classmethod def LoadFile(cls, name): """ Default file loader. Overriden to return the font file name. Raises PyUnityException by default. Do NOT call ``super().LoadFile()``. """ raise PyUnityException("No font loading function found")
[docs]class WinFontLoader(_FontLoader):
[docs] @classmethod def LoadFile(cls, name): """ Use the Windows registry to find a font file name. Parameters ---------- name : str Font name. This is not the same as the file name. Returns ------- str Font file name Raises ------ PyUnityException If the font is not found """ import winreg key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\") try: file = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, name + " (TrueType)") except WindowsError: file = None if file is None: raise PyUnityException(f"Cannot find font called {name!r}") return file[0]
[docs]class UnixFontLoader(_FontLoader):
[docs] @classmethod def LoadFile(cls, name): """ Use ``fc-match`` to find the font file name. Parameters ---------- name : str Font name. This is not the same as the file name. Returns ------- str Font file name Raises ------ PyUnityException If the font is not found """ import subprocess process = subprocess.Popen(["fc-match", name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = process.communicate() out = stdout.decode() if out == "": raise PyUnityException(f"Cannot find font called {name!r}") return out.split(": ")[0]
if sys.platform.startswith("linux") or sys.platform == "darwin": class FontLoader(UnixFontLoader): pass """Font loader, either :class:`UnixFontLoader` or :class:`WinFontLoader`.""" else:
[docs] class FontLoader(WinFontLoader): pass
"""Font loader, either :class:`UnixFontLoader` or :class:`WinFontLoader`."""
[docs]class Font: """ Font object to represent font data. Attributes ---------- _font : ImageFont.FreeTypeFont Image font object. Do not use unless you know what you are doing. name : str Font name size : int Font size, in points """ def __init__(self, name, size, imagefont): if not isinstance(imagefont, ImageFont.FreeTypeFont): raise PyUnityException("Please specify a FreeType font" + "created from ImageFont.freetype") self._font = imagefont = name self.size = size def __reduce__(self): return (FontLoader.LoadFont, (, self.size))
[docs]class TextAlign(enum.IntEnum): Left = Center = Right =
[docs]class Text(NoResponseGuiComponent): """ Component to render text. Attributes ---------- font : Font Font object to render text : str Contents of the Text color : Color Fill color depth : float Z ordering of the text. Higher values are on top. centeredX : TextAlign How to align in the X direction centeredY : TextAlign How to align in the Y direction rect : RectTransform RectTransform of the GameObject. Can be None texture : Texture2D Texture of the text, to save computation time. Notes ----- Modifying :attr:`font`, :attr:`text`, or :attr:`color` will call :meth:`GenTexture`. """ font = ShowInInspector(Font, FontLoader.LoadFont("Arial", 24)) text = ShowInInspector(str, "Text") color = ShowInInspector(Color) depth = ShowInInspector(float, 0.1) centeredX = ShowInInspector(TextAlign, TextAlign.Left) centeredY = ShowInInspector(TextAlign, TextAlign.Center) def __init__(self, transform): super(Text, self).__init__(transform) self.rect = None self.texture = None self.color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
[docs] def GenTexture(self): """ Generate a :class:`Texture2D` to render. """ if self.rect is None: self.rect = self.GetComponent(RectTransform) if self.rect is None: return rect = self.rect.GetRect() + self.rect.offset size = (rect.max - rect.min).abs() im ="RGBA", tuple(size), (255, 255, 255, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) width, height = draw.textsize(self.text, font=self.font._font) if self.centeredX == TextAlign.Left: offX = 0 elif self.centeredX == TextAlign.Center: offX = (size.x - width) // 2 else: offX = size.x - width if self.centeredY == TextAlign.Left: offY = 0 elif self.centeredY == TextAlign.Center: offY = (size.y - height) // 2 else: offY = size.y - height draw.text((offX, offY), self.text, font=self.font._font, fill=tuple(self.color)) if self.texture is not None: self.texture.setImg(im) else: self.texture = Texture2D(im)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): super(Text, self).__setattr__(name, value) if name in ["font", "text", "color"]: if self.gameObject.scene is not None: self.GenTexture()
[docs]class CheckBox(GuiComponent): """ A component that updates the Image2D of its GameObject when clicked. Attributes ---------- checked : bool Current state of the checkbox """ checked = ShowInInspector(bool, False)
[docs] def HoverUpdate(self): """ Inverts ``checked`` and updates the texture of the Image2D, if there is one. """ if Input.GetMouseDown(MouseCode.Left): self.checked = not self.checked cmp = self.GetComponent(Image2D) if cmp is not None: cmp.texture = checkboxDefaults[int(self.checked)]
[docs]class Gui: """ Helper class to create GUI GameObjects. Do not instantiate. """
[docs] @classmethod def MakeButton(cls, name, scene, text="Button", font=None, color=None, texture=None): """ Create a Button GameObject and add all relevant GameObjects to the scene. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the GameObject scene : Scene Scene to add all generated GameObjects to text : str, optional Text content of the button, by default "Button" font : Font, optional Default font to use, if None then "Arial" is used color : Color, optional Fill color of the button text, by default black texture : Texture2D, optional Texture for the button background. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the :class:`RectTransform` of button, the :class:`Button` component and the :class:`Text` component. Notes ----- This will create 3 GameObjects in this hierarchy:: <specified button name> |- Button |- Text The generated GameObject can be accessed from the ``gameObject`` property of the returned components. The ``Button`` GameObject will have two components, :class:`Button` and :class:`RectTransform`. The ``Button`` GameObject will have two components, :class:`Image2D` and :class:`RectTransform`. """ if texture is None: texture = buttonDefault button = GameObject(name) transform = button.AddComponent(RectTransform) buttonComponent = button.AddComponent(Button) textureObj = GameObject("Button", button) transform2 = textureObj.AddComponent(RectTransform) transform2.anchors = RectAnchors(, img = textureObj.AddComponent(Image2D) img.texture = texture img.depth = -0.1 textObj = GameObject("Text", button) transform3 = textObj.AddComponent(RectTransform) transform3.anchors = RectAnchors(, textComp = textObj.AddComponent(Text) textComp.text = text if font is None: font = FontLoader.LoadFont("Arial", 16) textComp.font = font if color is None: color = RGB(0, 0, 0) textComp.color = color textComp.centeredX = TextAlign.Center scene.Add(button) scene.Add(textureObj) return transform, buttonComponent, textComp
[docs] @classmethod def MakeCheckBox(cls, name, scene): """ Create a CheckBox GameObject and add the appropriate components needed. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of GameObject scene : Scene Scene to add GameObject to Returns ------- tuple A tuple of the :class:`RectTransform` as well as the :class:`CheckBox` component. Notes ----- The generated GameObject can be accessed from the ``gameObject`` property of the returned components. The GameObject will have 3 properties added: a :class:`RectTransform`, a :class:`CheckBox` and an :class:`Image2D`. """ box = GameObject(name) transform = box.AddComponent(RectTransform) checkbox = box.AddComponent(CheckBox) img = box.AddComponent(Image2D) img.texture = checkboxDefaults[0] scene.Add(box) return transform, checkbox