Source code for pyunity.core

Core classes for the PyUnity library.

This module has some key classes used throughout PyUnity, and
have to be in the same file due to references both ways. Usually
when you create a scene, you should never create Components
directly, instead add them with AddComponent.

To create a GameObject with 2 children, one of which has its own child,
and all have MeshRenderers:

    >>> from pyunity import * # Import
    Loaded config
    Trying GLFW as a window provider
    GLFW doesn't work, trying PySDL2
    Trying PySDL2 as a window provider
    Using window provider PySDL2
    Loaded PyUnity version 0.8.3
    >>> mat = Material(RGB(255, 0, 0)) # Create a default material
    >>> root = GameObject("Root") # Create a root GameObjects
    >>> child1 = GameObject("Child1", root) # Create a child
    >>> child1.transform.localPosition = Vector3(-2, 0, 0) # Move the child
    >>> renderer = child1.AddComponent(MeshRenderer) # Add a renderer
    >>> renderer.mat = mat # Add a material
    >>> renderer.mesh = Mesh.cube(2) # Add a mesh
    >>> child2 = GameObject("Child2", root) # Create another child
    >>> renderer = child2.AddComponent(MeshRenderer) # Add a renderer
    >>> renderer.mat = mat # Add a material
    >>> renderer.mesh = Mesh.quad(1) # Add a mesh
    >>> grandchild = GameObject("Grandchild", child2) # Add a grandchild
    >>> grandchild.transform.localPosition = Vector3(0, 5, 0) # Move the grandchild
    >>> renderer = grandchild.AddComponent(MeshRenderer) # Add a renderer
    >>> renderer.mat = mat # Add a material
    >>> renderer.mesh = Mesh.cube(3) # Add a mesh
    >>> root.transform.List() # List all GameObjects
    >>> child1.components # List child1's components
    [<Transform position=Vector3(-2, 0, 0) rotation=Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) scale=Vector3(1, 1, 1) path="/Root/Child1">, <pyunity.core.MeshRenderer object at 0x0A929460>]
    >>> child2.transform.children # List child2's children
    [<Transform position=Vector3(0, 5, 0) rotation=Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0) scale=Vector3(1, 1, 1) path="/Root/Child2/Grandchild">]


__all__ = ["Component", "GameObject", "Light", "SingleComponent",
           "MeshRenderer", "Tag", "Transform", "ShowInInspector",
           "HideInInspector", "LightType"]

import inspect
import enum
from .errors import *
from .meshes import Mesh
from .values import *
from . import Logger

[docs]class Tag: """ Class to group GameObjects together without referencing the tags. Parameters ---------- tagNumOrName : str or int Name or index of the tag Raises ------ ValueError If there is no tag name IndexError If there is no tag at the provided index TypeError If the argument is not a str or int Attributes ---------- tagName : str Tag name tag : int Tag index of the list of tags """ tags = ["Default"] """List of current tags"""
[docs] @classmethod def AddTag(cls, name): """ Add a new tag to the tag list. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the tag Returns ------- int The tag index """ cls.tags.append(name) return len(cls.tags) - 1
def __init__(self, tagNumOrName): if type(tagNumOrName) is str: self.tagName = tagNumOrName self.tag = Tag.tags.index(tagNumOrName) elif type(tagNumOrName) is int: self.tag = tagNumOrName self.tagName = Tag.tags[tagNumOrName] else: raise TypeError(f"Argument 1:" f"expected str or int, got {type(tagNumOrName).__name__}")
[docs]class GameObject: """ Class to create a GameObject, which is an object with components. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Name of GameObject parent : GameObject or None Parent of GameObject Attributes ---------- name : str Name of the GameObject components : list List of components tag : Tag Tag that the GameObject has (defaults to tag 0 or Default) transform : Transform Transform that belongs to the GameObject """ def __init__(self, name="GameObject", parent=None): = name self.components = [] self.transform = None self.AddComponent(Transform) if parent: self.transform.ReparentTo(parent.transform) self.tag = Tag(0) self.enabled = True self.scene = None
[docs] @staticmethod def BareObject(name="GameObject"): """ Create a bare GameObject with no components or attributes. Parameters ========== name : str Name of the GameObject """ obj = GameObject.__new__(GameObject) = name obj.components = [] obj.transform = None obj.scene = None return obj
[docs] def AddComponent(self, componentClass): """ Adds a component to the GameObject. If it is a transform, set GameObject's transform to it. Parameters ---------- componentClass : Component Component to add. Must inherit from :class:`Component` """ if not issubclass(componentClass, Component): raise ComponentException( f"Cannot add {componentClass.__name__} to the GameObject; " f"it is not a component" ) if not ( issubclass(componentClass, SingleComponent) and any(isinstance(component, componentClass) for component in self.components)): component = componentClass(self.transform) self.components.append(component) if componentClass is Transform: self.transform = component elif issubclass(componentClass, Light): if self.scene is not None: self.scene.RegisterLight(component) component.gameObject = self component.transform = self.transform return component else: raise ComponentException( f"Cannot add {componentClass.__name__} to the GameObject; " f"it already has one")
[docs] def GetComponent(self, componentClass): """ Gets a component from the GameObject. Will return first match. For all matches, use `GetComponents`. Parameters ---------- componentClass : Component Component to get. Must inherit from :class:`Component` Returns ------- Component or None The specified component, or `None` if the component is not found """ for component in self.components: if isinstance(component, componentClass): return component return None
[docs] def RemoveComponent(self, componentClass): """ Removes the first matching component from a GameObject. Parameters ---------- componentClass : type Component to remove Raises ------ ComponentException If the GameObject doesn't have the specified component ComponentException If the specified component is a Transform """ component = self.GetComponent(componentClass) if component is None: raise ComponentException( f"Cannot remove {componentClass.__name__} from the GameObject; " f"it doesn't have one") if componentClass is Transform: raise ComponentException( "Cannot remove a Transform from a GameObject") self.components.remove(component)
[docs] def GetComponents(self, componentClass): """ Gets all matching components from the GameObject. Parameters ---------- componentClass : Component Component to get. Must inherit from :class:`Component` Returns ------- list A list of all matching components """ return [component for component in self.components if isinstance(component, componentClass)]
[docs] def RemoveComponents(self, componentClass): """ Removes all matching component from a GameObject. Parameters ---------- componentClass : type Component to remove Raises ------ ComponentException If the specified component is a Transform """ components = self.GetComponents(componentClass) if componentClass is Transform: raise ComponentException( "Cannot remove a Transform from a GameObject") for component in components: self.components.remove(component)
def __repr__(self): return (f"<GameObject name={!r} components=" f"{list(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, self.components))}>") def __str__(self): return (f"<GameObject name={!r} components=" f"{list(map(lambda x: type(x).__name__, self.components))}>")
[docs]class HideInInspector: """ An attribute that should be saved when saving a project, but not shown in the Inspector of the PyUnityEditor. Attributes ========== type : type Type of the variable default : Any Default value (will be set to the Behaviour) name : NoneType None """ def __init__(self, type=None, default=None): self.type = type self.default = default = None
[docs]class ShowInInspector(HideInInspector): """ An attribute that should be saved when saving a project, and shown in the Inspector of the PyUnityEditor. Attributes ========== type : type Type of the variable default : Any Default value (will be set to the Behaviour) name : str Alternate name shown in the Inspector """ def __init__(self, type=None, default=None, name=None): super(ShowInInspector, self).__init__(type, default) = name
[docs]class Component: """ Base class for built-in components. Attributes ---------- gameObject : GameObject GameObject that the component belongs to. transform : Transform Transform that the component belongs to. """ shown = {} saved = {} def __init__(self, transform, is_dummy=False): if is_dummy: self.gameObject = None else: self.gameObject = transform.gameObject self.transform = transform self.enabled = True def __init_subclass__(cls): members = inspect.getmembers(cls, lambda a: not inspect.isroutine(a)) variables = list( filter(lambda a: not (a[0].startswith("__")), members)) shown = {a[0]: a[1] for a in variables if isinstance(a[1], ShowInInspector)} saved = {a[0]: a[1] for a in variables if isinstance(a[1], HideInInspector)} cls.shown = shown cls.saved = saved for name, val in saved.items(): if val.type is None: val.type = cls if is None: = name setattr(cls, name, val.default)
[docs] def AddComponent(self, component): """ Calls `AddComponent` on the component's GameObject. Parameters ---------- component : Component Component to add. Must inherit from :class:`Component` """ return self.gameObject.AddComponent(component)
[docs] def GetComponent(self, component): """ Calls `GetComponent` on the component's GameObject. Parameters ---------- componentClass : Component Component to get. Must inherit from :class:`Component` """ return self.gameObject.GetComponent(component)
[docs] def RemoveComponent(self, component): """ Calls `RemoveComponent` on the component's GameObject. Parameters ---------- component : Component Component to remove. Must inherit from :class:`Component` """ return self.gameObject.RemoveComponent(component)
[docs] def GetComponents(self, component): """ Calls `GetComponents` on the component's GameObject. Parameters ---------- componentClass : Component Component to get. Must inherit from :class:`Component` """ return self.gameObject.GetComponents(component)
[docs] def RemoveComponents(self, component): """ Calls `RemoveComponents` on the component's GameObject. Parameters ---------- component : Component Component to remove. Must inherit from :class:`Component` """ return self.gameObject.RemoveComponents(component)
@property def scene(self): """Get either the scene of the GameObject or the current running scene.""" from .scenes import SceneManager if self.gameObject.scene is None: return SceneManager.CurrentScene() else: return self.gameObject.scene
[docs]class SingleComponent(Component): """ Represents a component that can be added only once. """ pass
[docs]class Transform(SingleComponent): """ Class to hold data about a GameObject's transformation. Attributes ---------- gameObject : GameObject GameObject that the component belongs to. localPosition : Vector3 Position of the Transform in local space. localRotation : Quaternion Rotation of the Transform in local space. localScale : Vector3 Scale of the Transform in local space. parent : Transform or None Parent of the Transform. The hierarchical tree is actually formed by the Transform, not the GameObject. Do not modify this attribute. children : list List of children """ localPosition = ShowInInspector(Vector3, None, "position") localRotation = ShowInInspector(Quaternion, None, "rotation") localScale = ShowInInspector(Vector3, None, "scale") parent = HideInInspector() def __init__(self, transform=None): super(Transform, self).__init__(self, True) assert transform is None self.localPosition = self.localRotation = Quaternion.identity() self.localScale = self.parent = None self.children = [] @property def position(self): """Position of the Transform in world space.""" if self.parent is None: return self.localPosition.copy() else: return self.parent.position + self.localRotation.RotateVector(self.localPosition) * self.parent.scale @position.setter def position(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Vector3): raise PyUnityException( f"Cannot set position to object of type {type(value).__name__!r}") if self.parent is None: self.localPosition = value else: self.localPosition = self.localRotation.conjugate.RotateVector( value / self.scale - self.parent.position) @property def rotation(self): """Rotation of the Transform in world space.""" if self.parent is None: return self.localRotation.copy() else: return self.parent.rotation * self.localRotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Quaternion): raise PyUnityException( f"Cannot set rotation to object of type {type(value).__name__!r}") if self.parent is None: self.localRotation = value else: self.localRotation = value * self.parent.rotation.conjugate @property def localEulerAngles(self): """ Rotation of the Transform in local space. It is measured in degrees around x, y, and z. """ return self.localRotation.eulerAngles @localEulerAngles.setter def localEulerAngles(self, value): self.localRotation.eulerAngles = value @property def eulerAngles(self): """ Rotation of the Transform in world space. It is measured in degrees around x, y, and z. """ return self.rotation.eulerAngles @eulerAngles.setter def eulerAngles(self, value): self.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(value) @property def scale(self): """Scale of the Transform in world space.""" if self.parent is None: return self.localScale.copy() else: return self.parent.scale * self.localScale @scale.setter def scale(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Vector3): raise PyUnityException( f"Cannot set scale to object of type {type(value).__name__!r}") if self.parent is None or not bool(self.parent.scale): self.localScale = value else: self.localScale = value / self.parent.scale
[docs] def ReparentTo(self, parent): """ Reparent a Transform. Parameters ---------- parent : Transform The parent to reparent to. """ if self.parent: self.parent.children.remove(self) if parent: parent.children.append(self) self.parent = parent
[docs] def List(self): """ Prints the Transform's full path from the root, then lists the children in alphabetical order. This results in a nice list of all GameObjects. """ Logger.Log(self.FullPath()) for child in sorted(self.children, key=lambda x: child.List()
[docs] def GetDescendants(self): """Iterate through all descedants of this Transform.""" yield self for child in self.children: for subchild in child.GetDescendants(): yield subchild
[docs] def FullPath(self): """ Gets the full path of the Transform. Returns ------- str The full path of the Transform. """ path = f"/{}" parent = self.parent while parent is not None: path = f"/{}{path}" parent = parent.parent return path
[docs] def LookAtTransform(self, transform): """ Face towards another transform's position. Parameters ========== transform : Transform Transform to face towards Notes ===== The rotation generated may not be upright, and to fix this just use ``transform.rotation.eulerAngles *= Vector3(1, 1, 0)`` which will remove the Z component of the Euler angles. """ v = transform.position - self.position self.rotation = Quaternion.FromDir(v)
[docs] def LookAtGameObject(self, gameObject): """ Face towards another GameObject's position. See `Transform.LookAtTransform` for details. Parameters ========== gameObject : GameObject GameObject to face towards """ v = gameObject.transform.position - self.position self.rotation = Quaternion.FromDir(v)
[docs] def LookAtPoint(self, vec): """ Face towards a point. See `Transform.LookAtTransform` for details. Parameters ========== vec : Vector3 Point to face towards """ v = vec - self.position self.rotation = Quaternion.FromDir(v)
[docs] def LookInDirection(self, vec): """ Face in a vector direction (from origin to point). See `Transform.LookAtTransform` for details. Parameters ========== vec : Vector3 Direction to face in """ self.rotation = Quaternion.FromDir(vec)
def __repr__(self): return (f"<Transform position={self.position} rotation={self.rotation}" f" scale={self.scale} path={self.FullPath()!r}>") def __str__(self): return (f"<Transform position={self.position} rotation={self.rotation}" f" scale={self.scale} path={self.FullPath()!r}>")
[docs]class LightType(enum.IntEnum): Point = 0 Directional = 1 Spot = 2
[docs]class Light(SingleComponent): """ Component to hold data about the light in a scene. Attributes ---------- intensity : int Intensity of light """ intensity = ShowInInspector(int, 20) color = ShowInInspector(Color, RGB(255, 255, 255)) type = ShowInInspector(LightType, LightType.Point)
[docs]class MeshRenderer(SingleComponent): """ Component to render a mesh at the position of a transform. Attributes ---------- mesh : Mesh Mesh that the MeshRenderer will render. mat : Material Material to use for the mesh """ DefaultMaterial = Material(RGB(200, 200, 200)) DefaultMaterial.default = True mesh = ShowInInspector(Mesh) mat = ShowInInspector(Material, DefaultMaterial, "material")
[docs] def Render(self): """Render the mesh that the MeshRenderer has.""" if self.mesh is None: return self.mesh.compile() self.mesh.draw()