Source code for

Classes to manage the playback of audio.
It uses the sdl2.sdlmixer library.
A variable in the ``config`` module called
``audio`` will be set to ``False`` if the
mixer module cannot be initialized.


__all__ = ["AudioSource", "AudioClip", "AudioListener"]

import warnings
import os
from . import config, logger as Logger
from .core import Component, ShowInInspector

with warnings.catch_warnings():
        from sdl2 import sdlmixer as mixer
        from sdl2 import SDL_GetError
    except ImportError: = False

channels = 0

if not
    Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "Failed to import PySDL2, your system may not support it.")
elif "PYUNITY_TESTING" in os.environ: = False
    Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "Testing PyUnity, audio is disabled")
elif mixer.Mix_Init(mixer.MIX_INIT_MP3 | mixer.MIX_INIT_OGG) == 0: = False
    Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "Cannot load sdlmixer, audio is disabled")
elif mixer.Mix_OpenAudio(22050, mixer.MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096) == -1: = False
    Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "SDL2_mixer could not be initialized: " +

class CustomMock:
    def __getattr__(self, item):
        Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "Audio is currently disabled")
        return CustomMock()

    def __setattr__(self, item, value):
        Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "Audio is currently disabled")

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return CustomMock()

if not
    mixer = CustomMock()

[docs]class AudioClip: """ Class to store information about an audio file. Attributes ---------- path : str Path to the file music : sdl2.sdlmixer.mixer.Mix_Chunk Sound chunk that can be played with an SDL2 Mixer Channel. Only set when the AudioClip is played in an ``AudioSource``. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path = None
[docs]class AudioSource(Component): """ Manages playback on an AudioSource. Attributes ---------- clip : AudioClip Clip to play. Best way to set the clip is to use the ``SetClip`` function. playOnStart : bool Whether it plays on start or not. Loop : bool Whether it loops or not. This is not fully supported. """ playOnStart = ShowInInspector(bool, False) loop = ShowInInspector(bool, False) clip = ShowInInspector(AudioClip, None) def __init__(self, transform): super(AudioSource, self).__init__(transform) global channels self.clip = None = channels channels += 1 print(channels) mixer.Mix_AllocateChannels(channels)
[docs] def SetClip(self, clip): """ Sets a clip for the AudioSource to play. Parameters ---------- clip : AudioClip AudioClip to play """ self.clip = clip
[docs] def Play(self): """ Plays the AudioClip attached to the AudioSource. """ if self.clip is None: Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "AudioSource has no AudioClip") return if is None: = mixer.Mix_LoadWAV(self.clip.path.encode()) if mixer.Mix_PlayChannel(,, 0) == -1: Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "Unable to play file: %s" % mixer.Mix_GetError().decode())
[docs] def Stop(self): """ Stops playing the AudioClip attached to the AudioSource. """ if self.clip is None: Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "AudioSource has no AudioClip") mixer.Mix_HaltChannel(
[docs] def Pause(self): """ Pauses the AudioClip attached to the AudioSource. """ if self.clip is None: Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "AudioSource has no AudioClip") mixer.Mix_Pause(
[docs] def UnPause(self): """ Unpauses the AudioClip attached to the AudioSource. """ if self.clip is None: Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "AudioSource has no AudioClip") mixer.Mix_Resume(
@property def Playing(self): """ Gets if the AudioSource is playing. """ if self.clip is None: Logger.LogLine(Logger.WARN, "AudioSource has no AudioClip") return mixer.Mix_Playing(
[docs]class AudioListener(Component): """ Class to receive audio events and to base spatial sound from. By default the Main Camera has an AudioListener, but you can also remove it and add a new one to another GameObject in a Scene. There can only be one AudioListener, otherwise sound is disabled. """ def __init__(self, transform): super(AudioListener, self).__init__(transform) self.opened = 0
[docs] def Init(self): """ Initializes the AudioListener. """ pass
[docs] def DeInit(self): """ Stops all AudioSources and frees memory that is used by the AudioClips. """ from .scenes import SceneManager for source in SceneManager.CurrentScene().FindComponentsByType(AudioSource): mixer.Mix_HaltChannel( mixer.Mix_FreeChunk(