Source code for pyunity.physics.core

Core classes of the PyUnity
physics engine.


__all__ = ["PhysicMaterial", "Collider", "SphereCollider",
           "AABBoxCollider", "Rigidbody", "CollManager", "infinity"]

from ..vector3 import *
from ..core import *
from . import config
import math

infinity = math.inf
"""A representation of infinity"""

[docs]class PhysicMaterial: """ Class to store data on a collider's material. Parameters ---------- restitution : float Bounciness of the material friction : float Friction of the material Attributes ---------- restitution : float Bounciness of the material friction : float Friction of the material combine : int Combining function. -1 means minimum, 0 means average, and 1 means maximum """ def __init__(self, restitution=0.75, friction=1): self.restitution = restitution self.friction = friction self.combine = -1
[docs]class Manifold: """ Class to store collision data. Parameters ---------- a : Collider The first collider b : Collider The second collider normal : Vector3 The collision normal penetration : float How much the two colliders overlap """ def __init__(self, a, b, normal, penetration): self.a = a self.b = b self.normal = normal self.penetration = penetration
[docs]class Collider(Component): """Collider base class.""" attrs = []
[docs]class SphereCollider(Collider): """ A spherical collider that cannot be deformed. Attributes ---------- min : Vector3 The corner with the lowest coordinates. max : Vector3 The corner with the highest coordinates. pos : Vector3 The center of the SphereCollider radius : Vector3 The radius of the SphereCollider """ attrs = ["min", "max", "pos", "radius"] def __init__(self): super(SphereCollider, self).__init__()
[docs] def SetSize(self, radius, offset): """ Sets the size of the collider. Parameters ---------- radius : float The radius of the collider. offset : Vector3 Offset of the collider. """ self.radius = radius self.pos = offset + self.transform.position self.min = self.pos - radius self.max = self.pos + radius
[docs] def collidingWith(self, other): """ Check to see if the collider is colliding with another collider. Parameters ---------- other : Collider Other collider to check against Returns ------- Manifold or None Collision data Notes ----- To check against another SphereCollider, the distance and the sum of the radii is checked. To check against an AABBoxColider, the check is as follows: 1. The sphere's center is checked to see if it is inside the AABB. #. If it is, then the two are colliding. #. If it isn't, then a copy of the position is clamped to the AABB's bounds. #. Finally, the distance between the clamped position and the original position is measured. #. If the distance is bigger than the sphere's radius, then the two are colliding. #. If not, then they aren't colliding. """ if isinstance(other, SphereCollider): objDistSqrd = abs(self.pos - other.pos).get_length_sqrd() radDistSqrd = (self.radius + other.radius) ** 2 normal = self.pos - other.pos penetration = radDistSqrd - objDistSqrd return Manifold(self, other, normal, penetration) if objDistSqrd <= radDistSqrd else None elif isinstance(other, AABBoxCollider): inside = (other.min.x < self.pos.x < other.max.x and other.min.y < self.pos.y < other.max.y and other.min.z < self.pos.z < other.max.z) pos = self.pos.copy() if inside: pos.x = other.min.x if pos.x - other.min.x < other.max.x - pos.x else other.max.x pos.y = other.min.y if pos.y - other.min.y < other.max.y - pos.y else other.max.y pos.z = other.min.z if pos.z - other.min.z < other.max.z - pos.z else other.max.z else: pos.clamp(other.min, other.max) dist = (self.pos - pos).get_length_sqrd() if not inside and dist > self.radius ** 2: return None return Manifold(self, other, self.pos - other.pos, self.radius - dist)
[docs] def CheckOverlap(self, other): """ Checks to see if the bounding box of two colliders overlap. Parameters ---------- other : Collider Other collider to check against Returns ------- bool Whether they are overlapping or not """ if self.min.x > other.max.x or self.max.x < other.min.x: return False elif self.min.y > other.max.y or self.max.y < other.min.y: return False elif self.min.z > other.max.z or self.max.z < other.min.z: return False else: return True
[docs]class AABBoxCollider(Collider): """ An axis-aligned box collider that cannot be deformed. Attributes ---------- min : Vector3 The corner with the lowest coordinates. max : Vector3 The corner with the highest coordinates. pos : Vector3 The center of the AABBoxCollider """ attrs = ["min", "max", "pos"] def __init__(self): super(AABBoxCollider, self).__init__()
[docs] def SetSize(self, min, max): """ Sets the size of the collider. Parameters ---------- min : Vector3 The corner with the lowest coordinates. max : Vector3 The corner with the highest coordinates. """ self.min = min self.max = max self.pos = Vector3((min.x + max.x) / 2, (min.y + max.y) / 2, (min.z + max.z) / 2)
[docs] def collidingWith(self, other): """ Check to see if the collider is colliding with another collider. Parameters ---------- other : Collider Other collider to check against Returns ------- Manifold or None Collision data Notes ----- To check against another AABBoxCollider, the corners are checked to see if they are inside the other collider. To check against a SphereCollider, the check is as follows: 1. The sphere's center is checked to see if it is inside the AABB. #. If it is, then the two are colliding. #. If it isn't, then a copy of the position is clamped to the AABB's bounds. #. Finally, the distance between the clamped position and the original position is measured. #. If the distance is bigger than the sphere's radius, then the two are colliding. #. If not, then they aren't colliding. """ if isinstance(other, AABBoxCollider): n = other.pos - self.pos a_extent = (self.max.x - self.min.x) / 2 b_extent = (other.max.x - other.min.x) / 2 x_overlap = a_extent + b_extent - abs(n.x) if x_overlap > 0: a_extent = (self.max.y - self.min.y) / 2 b_extent = (other.max.y - other.min.y) / 2 y_overlap = a_extent + b_extent - abs(n.y) if y_overlap > 0: a_extent = (self.max.z - self.min.z) / 2 b_extent = (other.max.z - other.min.z) / 2 z_overlap = a_extent + b_extent - abs(n.z) if z_overlap > 0: if x_overlap < y_overlap and x_overlap < z_overlap: if n.x < 0: normal = Vector3.left() else: normal = Vector3.right() penetration = x_overlap elif y_overlap < x_overlap and y_overlap < z_overlap: if n.y < 0: normal = Vector3.down() else: normal = Vector3.up() penetration = y_overlap else: if n.z < 0: normal = Vector3.back() else: normal = Vector3.forward() penetration = z_overlap return Manifold(self, other, normal, penetration) elif isinstance(other, SphereCollider): inside = (self.min.x < other.pos.x < self.max.x and self.min.y < other.pos.y < self.max.y and self.min.z < other.pos.z < self.max.z) pos = other.pos.copy() if inside: pos.x = self.min.x if pos.x - self.min.x < self.max.x - pos.x else self.max.x pos.y = self.min.y if pos.y - self.min.y < self.max.y - pos.y else self.max.y pos.z = self.min.z if pos.z - self.min.z < self.max.z - pos.z else self.max.z else: pos.clamp(self.min, self.max) dist = (other.pos - pos).get_length_sqrd() if not inside and dist > other.radius ** 2: return None return Manifold(self, other, self.pos - other.pos, other.radius - dist)
[docs] def CheckOverlap(self, other): """ Checks to see if the bounding box of two colliders overlap. Parameters ---------- other : Collider Other collider to check against Returns ------- bool Whether they are overlapping or not """ if self.min.x > other.max.x or self.max.x < other.min.x: return False elif self.min.y > other.max.y or self.max.y < other.min.y: return False elif self.min.z > other.max.z or self.max.z < other.min.z: return False else: return True
[docs]class Rigidbody(Component): """ Class to let a GameObject follow physics rules. Attributes ---------- mass : int or float Mass of the Rigidbody. Defaults to 100 velocity : Vector3 Velocity of the Rigidbody physicMaterial : PhysicMaterial Physics material of the Rigidbody position : Vector3 Position of the Rigidbody. It is assigned to its GameObject's position when the CollHandler is created """ attrs = ["mass", "velocity", "physicMaterial", "position"] def __init__(self): super(Rigidbody, self).__init__() self.mass = 100 self.velocity = self.physicMaterial = PhysicMaterial() self.force = self.gravity = True
[docs] def Move(self, dt): """ Moves all colliders on the GameObject by the Rigidbody's velocity times the delta time. Parameters ---------- dt : float Time to simulate movement by """ if self.gravity: self.force += config.gravity self.velocity += self.force * (1 / self.mass) * dt self.position += self.velocity * dt for component in self.gameObject.components: if isinstance(component, Collider): component.min += self.velocity * dt component.max += self.velocity * dt component.pos += self.velocity * dt self.force =
[docs] def MovePos(self, offset): """ Moves the rigidbody and its colliders by an offset. Parameters ---------- offset : Vector3 Offset to move """ self.position += offset for component in self.gameObject.components: if isinstance(component, Collider): component.min += offset component.max += offset component.pos += offset
[docs] def AddForce(self, force): """ Apply a force to the center of the Rigidbody. Parameters ---------- force : Vector3 Force to apply Notes ----- A force is a gradual change in velocity, whereas an impulse is just a jump in velocity. """ self.force += force
[docs] def AddImpulse(self, impulse): """ Apply an impulse to the center of the Rigidbody. Parameters ---------- impulse : Vector3 Impulse to apply Notes ----- A force is a gradual change in velocity, whereas an impulse is just a jump in velocity. """ self.velocity += impulse
[docs]class CollManager: """ Manages the collisions between all colliders. Attributes ---------- rigidbodies : dict Dictionary of rigidbodies andthe colliders on the gameObject that the Rigidbody belongs to dummyRigidbody : Rigidbody A dummy rigidbody used when a GameObject has colliders but no rigidbody. It has infinite mass """ def __init__(self): self.rigidbodies = {} self.dummyRigidbody = Rigidbody() self.dummyRigidbody.mass = infinity
[docs] def AddPhysicsInfo(self, scene): """ Get all colliders and rigidbodies from a specified scene. This overwrites the collider and rigidbody lists, and so can be called whenever a new collider or rigidbody is added or removed. Parameters ---------- scene : Scene Scene to search for physics info Notes ----- This function will overwrite the pre-existing dictionary of rigidbodies. When there are colliders but no rigidbody is on the GameObject, then they are placed in the dictionary with a dummy Rigidbody that has infinite mass and a default physic material. Thus, they cannot move. """ self.rigidbodies = {} dummies = [] for gameObject in scene.gameObjects: if gameObject.GetComponent(Collider): colliders = [] for component in gameObject.components: if isinstance(component, Collider): colliders.append(component) rb = gameObject.GetComponent(Rigidbody) if rb is None: dummies += colliders continue else: rb.position = rb.transform.position self.rigidbodies[rb] = colliders self.rigidbodies[self.dummyRigidbody] = dummies
[docs] def GetRestitution(self, a, b): """ Get the restitution needed for two rigidbodies, based on their combine function Parameters ---------- a : Rigidbody Rigidbody 1 b : Rigidbody Rigidbody 2 Returns ------- float Restitution """ if a.physicMaterial.combine + b.physicMaterial.combine < 0: return min(a.physicMaterial.restitution, b.physicMaterial.restitution) elif a.physicMaterial.combine + b.physicMaterial.combine > 0: return max(a.physicMaterial.restitution, b.physicMaterial.restitution) else: return (a.physicMaterial.restitution + b.physicMaterial.restitution) / 2
[docs] def CheckCollisions(self): """ Goes through every pair exactly once, then checks their collisions and resolves them. """ for x, rbA in zip(range(0, len(self.rigidbodies) - 1), list(self.rigidbodies.keys())[:-1]): for y, rbB in zip(range(x + 1, len(self.rigidbodies)), list(self.rigidbodies.keys())[x + 1:]): for colliderA in self.rigidbodies[rbA]: for colliderB in self.rigidbodies[rbB]: m = colliderA.CheckOverlap( colliderB) and colliderA.collidingWith(colliderB) if m: e = self.GetRestitution(rbA, rbB) normal = m.normal.copy() rv = rbA.velocity - rbB.velocity velAlongNormal = if velAlongNormal < 0: continue b = velAlongNormal / if math.isinf(rbA.mass): a = 0 elif math.isinf(rbB.mass): a = 2 else: a = (1 + e) * rbB.mass / (rbA.mass + rbB.mass) velA = a * b * normal normal *= -1 if math.isinf(rbA.mass): a = 2 elif math.isinf(rbB.mass): a = 0 else: a = (1 + e) * rbA.mass / (rbA.mass + rbB.mass) velB = a * b * normal rbA.velocity -= velA rbB.velocity -= velB # rv = rbB.velocity - rbA.velocity # t = (rv - * m.normal).normalized() # jt = # jt /= 1 / rbA.mass + 1 / rbB.mass # if math.isinf(rbA.mass + rbB.mass): j = 0 # else: # j = -(1 + e) * (rbB.velocity - rbA.velocity).dot(normal) # j /= 1 / rbA.mass + 1 / rbB.mass # mu = (rbA.physicMaterial.friction + rbB.physicMaterial.friction) / 2 # if abs(jt) < j * mu: # frictionImpulse = jt * t # else: # frictionImpulse = -j * t * mu # rbA.velocity -= 1 / rbA.mass * frictionImpulse # rbB.velocity += 1 / rbB.mass * frictionImpulse correction = m.penetration * \ (rbA.mass + rbB.mass) * 0.8 * m.normal rbA.MovePos( -1 / rbA.mass * correction if not math.isinf(rbA.mass + rbB.mass) else 0) rbB.MovePos( 1 / rbB.mass * correction if not math.isinf(rbA.mass + rbB.mass) else 0)
[docs] def Step(self, dt): """ Steps through the simulation at a given delta time. Parameters ---------- dt : float Delta time to step Notes ----- The simulation is stepped 10 times, so that it is more precise. """ for i in range(10): for rb in self.rigidbodies: if rb is not self.dummyRigidbody: rb.Move(dt / 10) self.CheckCollisions() for rb in self.rigidbodies: if rb is not self.dummyRigidbody: rb.transform.position = rb.position