Source code for pyunity.scenes.sceneManager

Module that manages creation and deletion
of Scenes.


from import *
from ..core import *
from .. import config, window
from ..errors import *
from .scene import Scene
from .. import logger as Logger
from .. import render
import os
import copy

scenesByIndex = []
scenesByName = {}
windowObject = None
__running_scene = None

[docs]def AddScene(sceneName): """ Add a scene to the SceneManager. Pass in a scene name to create a scene. Parameters ---------- sceneName : str Name of the scene Returns ------- Scene Newly created scene Raises ------ PyUnityException If there already exists a scene called `sceneName` """ if sceneName in scenesByName: raise PyUnityException("SceneManager already contains scene \"" + sceneName + "\"") scene = Scene(sceneName) scenesByIndex.append(scene) scenesByName[sceneName] = scene return scene
[docs]def GetSceneByIndex(index): """ Get a scene by its index. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the scene Returns ------- Scene Specified scene at index `index` Raises ------ IndexError If there is no scene at the specified index """ if len(scenesByIndex) <= index: raise IndexError("There is no scene at index " + str(index)) return scenesByIndex[index]
[docs]def GetSceneByName(name): """ Get a scene by its name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the scene Returns ------- Scene Specified scene with name of `name` Raises ------ KeyError If there is no scene called `name` """ if name not in scenesByName: raise KeyError("There is no scene called " + name) return scenesByName[name]
[docs]def RemoveScene(scene): """ Removes a scene from the SceneManager. Parameters ---------- scene : Scene Scene to remove Raises ------ TypeError If the provided scene is not type Scene PyUnityException If the scene is not part of the SceneManager """ if not isinstance(scene, Scene): raise TypeError("The provided scene is not of type Scene") if scene not in scenesByIndex: raise PyUnityException( "Scene \"%s\" is not part of the SceneManager" % scenesByIndex.remove(scene) scenesByName.pop(
[docs]def LoadSceneByName(name): """ Loads a scene by its name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the scene Raises ------ TypeError When the provided name is not a string PyUnityException When there is no scene named ``name`` """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("\"%r\" is not a string" % name) if name not in scenesByName: raise PyUnityException("There is no scene named \"%s\"" % name) __loadScene(copy.deepcopy(scenesByName[name]))
[docs]def LoadSceneByIndex(index): """ Loads a scene by its index of when it was added to the SceneManager. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the scene Raises ------ TypeError When the provided index is not an integer PyUnityException When there is no scene at index ``index`` """ if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("\"%r\" is not an integer" % index) if index >= len(scenesByIndex): raise PyUnityException("There is no scene at index \"%d\"" % index) __loadScene(copy.deepcopy(scenesByIndex[index]))
[docs]def LoadScene(scene): """ Load a scene by a reference. Parameters ---------- scene : Scene Scene to be loaded Raises ------ TypeError When the scene is not of type `Scene` PyUnityException When the scene is not part of the SceneManager. This is checked because the SceneManager has to make some checks before the scene can be run. """ if not isinstance(scene, Scene): raise TypeError( "The provided Scene \"%s\" is not an integer" % if scene not in scenesByIndex: raise PyUnityException( "The provided scene is not part of the SceneManager") __loadScene(copy.deepcopy(scene))
def __loadScene(scene): global windowObject, __running_scene __running_scene = scene if not windowObject and os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": windowObject = window.window_providers[config.windowProvider]( config,, scene.mainCamera.Resize) render.compile_shaders() scene.Start() try: windowObject.start(scene.update) windowObject = None except KeyboardInterrupt: Logger.LogLine(Logger.INFO, "Stopping main loop") Logger.Save() except Exception as e: Logger.LogException(e) Logger.LogLine(Logger.INFO, "Shutting PyUnity down") Logger.Save() else: Logger.LogLine(Logger.INFO, "Shutting PyUnity down") Logger.Save() else: scene.Start() if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": windowObject.update_func = scene.update else: scene.no_interactive() __running_scene = None
[docs]def CurrentScene(): """Gets the current scene being run""" return __running_scene