Source code for pyunity.scenes.scene

Class to load, render and manage GameObjects
and their various components.

You should never use the ``Scene``
class directly, instead, only use
the SceneManager class.


from import *
from ..core import *
from ..script import Behaviour
from ..vector3 import Vector3
from ..quaternion import Quaternion
from .. import config, physics, logger as Logger, render
from ..errors import *
from time import time
import os
import math
import pygame

if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1":
    import OpenGL.GL as gl
    import OpenGL.GLU as glu

[docs]class Scene: """ Class to hold all of the GameObjects, and to run the whole scene. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the scene Notes ----- Create a scene using the SceneManager, and don't create a scene directly using this class. """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.mainCamera = GameObject("Main Camera").AddComponent(render.Camera) light = GameObject("Light") light.AddComponent(Light) light.transform.localPosition = Vector3(10, 10, -10) self.gameObjects = [self.mainCamera.gameObject, light] self.rootGameObjects = [self.mainCamera.gameObject, light]
[docs] def Add(self, gameObject): """ Add a GameObject to the scene. Parameters ---------- gameObject : GameObject The GameObject to add. """ self.gameObjects.append(gameObject) if gameObject.transform.parent is None: self.rootGameObjects.append(gameObject)
[docs] def Remove(self, gameObject): """ Remove a GameObject from the scene. Parameters ---------- gameObject : GameObject GameObject to remove. Raises ------ PyUnityException If the specified GameObject is the Main Camera, or if the specified GameObject is not part of the Scene. """ if gameObject not in [self.mainCamera]: if gameObject in self.gameObjects: self.gameObjects.remove(gameObject) else: raise PyUnityException( "The provided GameObject is not part of the Scene") else: raise PyUnityException( "Cannot remove the Main Camera from the Scene")
[docs] def List(self): """Lists all the GameObjects currently in the scene.""" for gameObject in sorted(self.rootGameObjects, key=lambda x: gameObject.transform.List()
[docs] def FindGameObjectsByName(self, name): """ Finds all GameObjects matching the specified name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the GameObject Returns ------- list List of the matching GameObjects """ return [gameObject for gameObject in self.gameObjects if == name]
[docs] def FindGameObjectsByTagName(self, name): """ Finds all GameObjects with the specified tag name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the tag Returns ------- list List of matching GameObjects Raises ------ GameObjectException When there is no tag named `name` """ if name in Tag.tags: return [gameObject for gameObject in self.gameObjects if gameObject.tag.tagName == name] else: raise GameObjectException( "No tag named " + name + "; create a new tag with Tag.AddTag")
[docs] def FindGameObjectsByTagNumber(self, num): """ Gets all GameObjects with a tag of tag `num`. Parameters ---------- num : int Index of the tag Returns ------- list List of matching GameObjects Raises ------ GameObjectException If there is no tag with specified index. """ if len(Tag.tags) > num: return [gameObject for gameObject in self.gameObjects if gameObject.tag.tag == num] else: raise GameObjectException( "No tag at index " + str(num) + "; create a new tag with Tag.AddTag")
[docs] def inside_frustrum(self, renderer): """ Check if the renderer's mesh can be seen by the main camera. Parameters ---------- renderer : MeshRenderer Renderer to test Returns ------- bool If the mesh can be seen """ mesh = renderer.mesh pos = self.mainCamera.transform.position * Vector3(1, 1, -1) directionX = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.right()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) directionY = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.up()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) directionZ = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.forward()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) parent = renderer.transform.parent.position if renderer.transform.parent else rpmin = renderer.transform.rotation.RotateVector( mesh.min - renderer.transform.localPosition) rpmax = renderer.transform.rotation.RotateVector( mesh.max - renderer.transform.localPosition) rpmin += parent - pos rpmax += parent - pos minZ = maxZ = if minZ > self.mainCamera.near or maxZ < self.mainCamera.far: return True minY = maxY = hmin = minZ * 2 * \ math.tan(math.radians(self.mainCamera.fov / config.size[0] * config.size[1] / 2)) hmax = maxZ * 2 * \ math.tan(math.radians(self.mainCamera.fov / config.size[0] * config.size[1] / 2)) if minY > -hmin / 2 or maxY < hmax / 2: return True minX = maxX = wmin, wmax = hmin * \ config.size[0] / config.size[1], hmax * \ config.size[0] / config.size[1] return minX > -wmin / 2 or maxX < wmax / 2
[docs] def start_scripts(self): """Start the scripts in the Scene.""" self.lastFrame = time() numChannels = 0 for gameObject in self.gameObjects: for component in gameObject.components: if isinstance(component, Behaviour): component.Start() elif isinstance(component, AudioSource): = pygame.mixer.Channel(numChannels) if numChannels < 8: numChannels += 1 if component.clip: component.clip.sound = pygame.mixer.Sound( component.clip.file) if component.PlayOnStart: component.Play() elif isinstance(component, MeshRenderer) and component.mesh is not None: mesh = component.mesh mesh.vbo, mesh.ibo = render.gen_buffers(mesh) mesh.vao = render.gen_array() self.physics = any( isinstance( component, physics.Collider ) for gameObject in self.gameObjects for component in gameObject.components ) if self.physics: self.collManager = physics.CollManager() self.collManager.AddPhysicsInfo(self)
[docs] def Start(self): """ Start the internal parts of the Scene. """ # if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": # self.lights = [ # gl.GL_LIGHT0, # gl.GL_LIGHT1, # gl.GL_LIGHT2, # gl.GL_LIGHT3, # gl.GL_LIGHT4, # gl.GL_LIGHT5, # gl.GL_LIGHT6, # gl.GL_LIGHT7 # ] self.mainCamera.lastPos = self.mainCamera.lastRot = Quaternion.identity() if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": self.mainCamera.Resize(*config.size) # light_num = 0 # for gameObject in self.gameObjects: # light = gameObject.GetComponent(Light) # if light: # color = (light.intensity / 100, light.intensity / # 100, light.intensity / 100, 1) # gl.glLightfv(self.lights[light_num], # gl.GL_AMBIENT, (0, 0, 0, 1)) # gl.glLightfv(self.lights[light_num], gl.GL_DIFFUSE, color) # light_num += 1 gl.glClearColor(*self.mainCamera.clearColor) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) if config.faceCulling: gl.glEnable(gl.GL_CULL_FACE) self.start_scripts() Logger.LogLine(Logger.DEBUG, "Physics is", "on" if self.physics else "off") Logger.LogLine(Logger.DEBUG, "Scene \"" + + "\" has started")
# def transform(self, transform): # """ # Transform the matrix by a specified transform. # Parameters # ---------- # transform : Transform # Transform to move # """ # gl.glRotatef(*transform.rotation.angleAxisPair) # gl.glScalef(*transform.scale) # gl.glTranslatef(*(transform.position * Vector3(1, 1, -1)))
[docs] def update_scripts(self): """Updates all scripts in the scene.""" dt = max(time() - self.lastFrame, 0.001) for gameObject in self.gameObjects: for component in gameObject.components: if isinstance(component, Behaviour): component.Update(dt) elif isinstance(component, AudioSource): if component.Loop: if component.PlayOnStart: if and not component.Play() if self.physics: self.collManager.Step(dt) self.lastFrame = time()
# def render(self): # """Renders all GameObjects with MeshRenderers.""" # for gameObject in self.gameObjects: # renderer = gameObject.GetComponent(MeshRenderer) # if renderer and "self.inside_frustrum(renderer)": # gl.glPushMatrix() # self.transform(gameObject.transform) # renderer.render() # gl.glPopMatrix() def no_interactive(self): done = False clock = pygame.time.Clock() while not done: try: self.update_scripts() clock.tick(config.fps) except KeyboardInterrupt: Logger.LogLine(Logger.DEBUG, "Exiting") done = True
[docs] def update(self): """Updating function to pass to the window provider.""" self.update_scripts() if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) gl.glLoadIdentity() # gl.glEnable(gl.GL_LIGHTING) # gl.glEnable(gl.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) # gl.glColorMaterial(gl.GL_FRONT, gl.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE) # light_num = 0 # for gameObject in self.gameObjects: # light = gameObject.GetComponent(Light) # if light: # gl.glEnable(self.lights[light_num]) # pos = (*(gameObject.transform.position * # Vector3(1, 1, -1)), int(light.type)) # gl.glLight(self.lights[light_num], gl.GL_POSITION, pos) # light_num += 1 if (self.mainCamera.lastPos != self.mainCamera.transform.position or self.mainCamera.lastRot != self.mainCamera.transform.rotation): pos = self.mainCamera.transform.position * Vector3(1, 1, -1) look = pos + \ self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.forward()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) up = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.up()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) glu.gluLookAt(*pos, *look, *up) self.mainCamera.lastPos = self.mainCamera.transform.position self.mainCamera.lastRot = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation self.mainCamera.Render(self.gameObjects)
# light_num = 0 # for gameObject in self.gameObjects: # light = gameObject.GetComponent(Light) # if light: # gl.glDisable(self.lights[light_num]) # light_num += 1 # gl.glDisable(gl.GL_LIGHTING) # gl.glDisable(gl.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL)