Source code for pyunity.scene

Module to create and load Scenes.

You should never use the ``Scene``
class directly, instead, only use
the SceneManager class.


from .audio import *
from .core import *
from .vector3 import Vector3
from .quaternion import Quaternion
from . import config, window, physics
from .errors import *
from time import time
import os
import math
import copy
import pygame

if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1":
    import OpenGL.GL as gl
    import OpenGL.GLU as glu

[docs]class SceneManager: """ Class to manage scenes. Attributes ---------- scenesByIndex : list List of scenes scenesByName : dict Dictionary of scenes, with the scene names as the keys. """ def __init__(self): self.scenesByIndex = [] self.scenesByName = {} self.window = None def AddScene(self, sceneName): """ Add a scene to the SceneManager. Pass in a scene name to create a scene. Parameters ---------- sceneName : str Name of the scene Returns ------- Scene Newly created scene Raises ------ PyUnityException If there already exists a scene called `sceneName` """ if sceneName in self.scenesByName: raise PyUnityException("SceneManager already contains scene \"" + sceneName + "\"") scene = Scene(sceneName) self.scenesByIndex.append(scene) self.scenesByName[sceneName] = scene return scene def GetSceneByIndex(self, index): """ Get a scene by its index. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the scene Returns ------- Scene Specified scene at index `index` Raises ------ IndexError If there is no scene at the specified index """ if len(self.scenesByIndex) <= index: raise IndexError("There is no scene at index " + str(index)) return self.scenesByIndex[index] def GetSceneByName(self, name): """ Get a scene by its name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the scene Returns ------- Scene Specified scene with name of `name` Raises ------ KeyError If there is no scene called `name` """ if name not in self.scenesByName: raise KeyError("There is no scene called " + name) return self.scenesByName[name] def RemoveScene(self, scene): """ Removes a scene from the SceneManager. Parameters ---------- scene : Scene Scene to remove Raises ------ TypeError If the provided scene is not type Scene PyUnityException If the scene is not part of the SceneManager """ if not isinstance(scene, Scene): raise TypeError("The provided scene is not of type Scene") if scene not in self.scenesByIndex: raise PyUnityException( "Scene \"%s\" is not part of the SceneManager" % self.scenesByIndex.remove(scene) self.scenesByName.pop( def LoadSceneByName(self, name): """ Loads a scene by its name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the scene Raises ------ TypeError When the provided name is not a string PyUnityException When there is no scene named ``name`` """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("\"%r\" is not a string" % name) if name not in self.scenesByName: raise PyUnityException("There is no scene named \"%s\"" % name) self.__loadScene(copy.deepcopy(self.scenesByName[name])) def LoadSceneByIndex(self, index): """ Loads a scene by its index of when it was added to the SceneManager. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the scene Raises ------ TypeError When the provided index is not an integer PyUnityException When there is no scene at index ``index`` """ if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("\"%r\" is not an integer" % index) if index >= len(self.scenesByIndex): raise PyUnityException("There is no scene at index \"%d\"" % index) self.__loadScene(copy.deepcopy(self.scenesByIndex[index])) def LoadScene(self, scene): """ Load a scene by a reference. Parameters ---------- scene : Scene Scene to be loaded Raises ------ TypeError When the scene is not of type `Scene` PyUnityException When the scene is not part of the SceneManager. This is checked because the SceneManager has to make some checks before the scene can be run. """ if not isinstance(scene, Scene): raise TypeError( "The provided Scene \"%s\" is not an integer" % if scene not in self.scenesByIndex: raise PyUnityException( "The provided scene is not part of the SceneManager") self.__loadScene(copy.deepcopy(scene)) def __resize(self, width, height): gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION) gl.glLoadIdentity() glu.gluPerspective(60, width / height, 0.05, 50) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) def __loadScene(self, scene): self.__running_scene = scene if not self.window and os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": self.window = window.window_providers[config.windowProvider]( config,, self.__resize) scene.Start() self.window.start(scene.update) self.window = None else: scene.Start() if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": self.window.update_func = scene.update else: scene.no_interactive() @property def CurrentScene(self): """Gets the current scene being run""" return self.__running_scene
SceneManager = SceneManager() """Manages all scene additions and changes"""
[docs]class Scene: """ Class to hold all of the GameObjects, and to run the whole scene. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the scene Notes ----- Create a scene using the SceneManager, and don't create a scene directly using this class. """ def __init__(self, name): = name self.mainCamera = GameObject("Main Camera").AddComponent(Camera) light = GameObject("Light") light.AddComponent(Light) light.transform.localPosition = Vector3(10, 10, -10) self.gameObjects = [self.mainCamera.gameObject, light] self.rootGameObjects = [self.mainCamera.gameObject, light]
[docs] def Add(self, gameObject): """ Add a GameObject to the scene. Parameters ---------- gameObject : GameObejct The GameObject to add. """ self.gameObjects.append(gameObject) if gameObject.transform.parent is None: self.rootGameObjects.append(gameObject)
[docs] def Remove(self, gameObject): """ Remove a GameObject from the scene. Parameters ---------- gameObject : GameObject GameObject to remove. Raises ------ PyUnityException If the specified GameObject is the Main Camera, or if the specified GameObject is not part of the Scene. """ if gameObject not in [self.mainCamera]: if gameObject in self.gameObjects: self.gameObjects.remove(gameObject) else: raise PyUnityException( "The provided GameObject is not part of the Scene") else: raise PyUnityException( "Cannot remove the Main Camera from the Scene")
[docs] def List(self): """Lists all the GameObjects currently in the scene.""" for gameObject in sorted(self.rootGameObjects, key=lambda x: gameObject.transform.List()
[docs] def FindGameObjectsByName(self, name): """ Finds all GameObjects matching the specified name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the GameObject Returns ------- list List of the matching GameObjects """ return [gameObject for gameObject in self.gameObjects if == name]
[docs] def FindGameObjectsByTagName(self, name): """ Finds all GameObjects with the specified tag name. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the tag Returns ------- list List of matching GameObjects Raises ------ GameObjectException When there is no tag named `name` """ if name in tags: return [gameObject for gameObject in self.gameObjects if gameObject.tag.tagName == name] else: raise GameObjectException( "No tag named " + name + "; create a new tag with Tag.AddTag")
[docs] def FindGameObjectsByTagNumber(self, num): """ Gets all GameObjects with a tag of tag `num`. Parameters ---------- num : int Index of the tag Returns ------- list List of matching GameObjects Raises ------ GameObjectException If there is no tag with specified index. """ if len(tags) > num: return [gameObject for gameObject in self.gameObjects if gameObject.tag.tag == num] else: raise GameObjectException( "No tag at index " + str(num) + "; create a new tag with Tag.AddTag")
[docs] def inside_frustrum(self, renderer): """ Check if the renderer's mesh can be seen by the main camera. Parameters ---------- renderer : MeshRenderer Renderer to test Returns ------- bool If the mesh can be seen """ mesh = renderer.mesh pos = self.mainCamera.transform.position * Vector3(1, 1, -1) directionX = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.right()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) directionY = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.up()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) directionZ = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.forward()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) parent = renderer.transform.parent.position if renderer.transform.parent else rpmin = renderer.transform.rotation.RotateVector( mesh.min - renderer.transform.localPosition) rpmax = renderer.transform.rotation.RotateVector( mesh.max - renderer.transform.localPosition) rpmin += parent - pos rpmax += parent - pos minZ = maxZ = if minZ > self.mainCamera.near or maxZ < self.mainCamera.far: return True minY = maxY = hmin = minZ * 2 * \ math.tan(math.radians(self.mainCamera.fov / config.size[0] * config.size[1] / 2)) hmax = maxZ * 2 * \ math.tan(math.radians(self.mainCamera.fov / config.size[0] * config.size[1] / 2)) if minY > -hmin / 2 or maxY < hmax / 2: return True minX = maxX = wmin, wmax = hmin * \ config.size[0] / config.size[1], hmax * \ config.size[0] / config.size[1] return minX > -wmin / 2 or maxX < wmax / 2
[docs] def start_scripts(self): """Start the scripts in the Scene.""" self.lastFrame = time() self.numChannels = 0 for gameObject in self.gameObjects: for component in gameObject.components: if isinstance(component, Behaviour): component.Start() elif isinstance(component, AudioSource): = pygame.mixer.Channel(self.numChannels) if self.numChannels < 8: self.numChannels += 1 if component.clip: component.clip.sound = pygame.mixer.Sound( component.clip.file) if component.PlayOnStart: component.Play() self.physics = any( isinstance( component, physics.Collider ) for gameObject in self.gameObjects for component in gameObject.components ) if self.physics: self.collManager = physics.CollManager() self.collManager.AddPhysicsInfo(self)
[docs] def Start(self): """ Start the internal parts of the Scene. """ if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": self.lights = [ gl.GL_LIGHT0, gl.GL_LIGHT1, gl.GL_LIGHT2, gl.GL_LIGHT3, gl.GL_LIGHT4, gl.GL_LIGHT5, gl.GL_LIGHT6, gl.GL_LIGHT7 ] self.mainCamera.lastPos = self.mainCamera.lastRot = Quaternion.identity() if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_PROJECTION) gl.glLoadIdentity() glu.gluPerspective( self.mainCamera.fov / config.size[0] * config.size[1], config.size[0] / config.size[1], self.mainCamera.near, self.mainCamera.far) gl.glMatrixMode(gl.GL_MODELVIEW) light_num = 0 for gameObject in self.gameObjects: light = gameObject.GetComponent(Light) if light: color = (light.intensity / 100, light.intensity / 100, light.intensity / 100, 1) gl.glLightfv(self.lights[light_num], gl.GL_AMBIENT, (0, 0, 0, 1)) gl.glLightfv(self.lights[light_num], gl.GL_DIFFUSE, color) # gl.glLightfv(self.lights[light_num], gl.GL_SPECULAR, (1, 1, 1, 1)) light_num += 1 gl.glClearColor(*self.mainCamera.clearColor) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_DEPTH_TEST) if config.faceCulling: gl.glEnable(gl.GL_CULL_FACE) self.start_scripts() if os.environ["PYUNITY_DEBUG_MODE"] == "1": print("Physics is", "on" if self.physics else "off") print("Scene \"" + + "\" has started")
[docs] def transform(self, transform): """ Transform the matrix by a specified transform. Parameters ---------- transform : Transform Transform to move """ gl.glRotatef(*transform.rotation.angleAxisPair) gl.glScalef(*transform.scale) gl.glTranslatef(*(transform.position * Vector3(1, 1, -1)))
[docs] def update_scripts(self): """Updates all scripts in the scene.""" dt = max(time() - self.lastFrame, 0.001) for gameObject in self.gameObjects: for component in gameObject.components: if isinstance(component, Behaviour): component.Update(dt) elif isinstance(component, AudioSource): if component.Loop: if component.PlayOnStart: if and not component.Play() if self.physics: self.collManager.Step(dt) self.lastFrame = time()
[docs] def render(self): """Renders all GameObjects with MeshRenderers.""" for gameObject in self.gameObjects: renderer = gameObject.GetComponent(MeshRenderer) if renderer and self.inside_frustrum(renderer): gl.glPushMatrix() self.transform(gameObject.transform) renderer.render() gl.glPopMatrix()
[docs] def no_interactive(self): done = False clock = pygame.time.Clock() while not done: try: self.update_scripts() clock.tick(config.fps) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Exiting") done = True
[docs] def update(self): """Updating function to pass to the window provider.""" self.update_scripts() if os.environ["PYUNITY_INTERACTIVE"] == "1": gl.glClear(gl.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) gl.glLoadIdentity() gl.glEnable(gl.GL_LIGHTING) gl.glEnable(gl.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) gl.glColorMaterial(gl.GL_FRONT, gl.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE) light_num = 0 for gameObject in self.gameObjects: light = gameObject.GetComponent(Light) if light: gl.glEnable(self.lights[light_num]) pos = (*(gameObject.transform.position * Vector3(1, 1, -1)), int(light.type)) gl.glLight(self.lights[light_num], gl.GL_POSITION, pos) light_num += 1 if (self.mainCamera.lastPos != self.mainCamera.transform.position or self.mainCamera.lastRot != self.mainCamera.transform.rotation): pos = self.mainCamera.transform.position * Vector3(1, 1, -1) look = pos + \ self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.forward()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) up = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation.RotateVector( Vector3.up()) * Vector3(1, 1, -1) glu.gluLookAt(*pos, *look, *up) self.mainCamera.lastPos = self.mainCamera.transform.position self.mainCamera.lastRot = self.mainCamera.transform.rotation self.render() light_num = 0 for gameObject in self.gameObjects: light = gameObject.GetComponent(Light) if light: gl.glDisable(self.lights[light_num]) light_num += 1 gl.glDisable(gl.GL_LIGHTING) gl.glDisable(gl.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL)